Garden bounty is still trickling in. Though we had a sparse year, we still got plenty of little gems like these beauties.

The beautiful purple cherry tomatoes are a favorite of mine for color and beauty, though they are quite tart. This is probably due to lack of sunshine, though most people say they become quite sweet, normally. Remember I am growing in a shady area. They are called blue berries tomatoes. Aren’t they beautiful? Some of them in the picture still need to ripen up. When they are ripe they are that deep purple/blue on top and quite reddish at the bottom. You can get the seeds at Baker Creek seeds here. There are also quite a few sungold tomatoes, a tiny mini chocolate bell pepper on the far left, lots of green tomatoes from a variety of plants (usually green tomatoes will ripen indoors if you need to pick them at the end of the season), a single purple bean (these are fun because they turn green when you cook them and the children think it’s like magic), a single green bean several hot peppers (Serrano and Grandpa’s Home peppers, I think). We picked some of the main garden and everything that was left in the forest garden because the deer broke down the fence yet again in the forest garden. Grrrrr. The main garden still has more cherry tomatoes and a few other things. A couple more yellow squash. And one red marconi pepper that is huge and slowly ripening. I really wanted to taste it and the plant only produced one. I am hoping it can hold on and finish ripening before the frost gets it.