I was in San Diego for most of last week and so I missed gardening this week. I did plant a few carrots when I returned. But for the most part, it was a slow garden week.
Outside I have planted a few carrots and some beets in the main garden. There are a few flowers coming up and some baby radishes. My hyacinths are in bloom which is like heaven, because they smell soooo good.

Here is a shot of the progress on the seedlings. There are a few flowers that have sprouted. The family did a great job of keeping things watered while I was away. The half gallon milk jug in the center has some radish seedlings that I planted there so the kids could see the growing progress up close and personal. They are starting to grow.

I have started the process of hardening off the sunflowers outside. Hardening off is a process where you take plants outside for an increasing period of time over several days. You build up the amount of time they spend outside until they are outside all day long. During freezing times, I have a little pop up greenhouse for them, but they are pretty close to just being able to stay out there all the time, which will free up quite a bit of valuable grow light real estate. They are looking pretty and lush. I am not sure why two of them are so much taller than the rest. The seeds were saved from the Teddy Bear Sunflowers I grew last year. Seed saving is awesome and can really reduce your seed costs.
Under the Grow Lights…
Some of the herbs have begun to germinate under the grow lights. I think that pretty much everything is up. I had to take some flower blossoms off of the pumpkins and gourds. The greens I started (baby bok choy and tatsoi) are up. They need to be taken outside already for a couple of hours a day to start to harden them off.
This week…
I didn’t get the seeds started germinating for the melons, squash, and cucumbers since I was out of town most of the week, so I think that will happen this week. I may plant some green onions at the community garden beds. Just sticking the seeds in the ground is the key.
No harvesting this week.
Total: 2 T. onion tops carried over from 4/23/18
I didn’t spend any budget money on the garden this week, but my husband did get me a birthday gift of setting up some automatic watering for the garden with some drip lines and an auto-timer that I got for my birthday last year. He knows that if I have to water on my own, I tend to kill things. So far it seems to work very well!
*I have an extensive collection of seeds from prior years, seeds I saved from my own garden, and seeds that I am able to obtain for free every year at events hosted in our community and our community seed library, so my seed costs are pretty low.
Total: $44.94 carryover from 4/23/18
I hope that this week is awesome for you! Enjoy some sunshine and go forth and grow!
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